Level 1 Start Sailing



Is all your equipment seaworthy and suitable?

Clothing – Make sure you are wearing suitable clothing to keep you warm and comfortable
during your sailing session. If you are in any doubt about your water confidence wear a buoyancy
aid. The most common cause of need for rescue is component failure.

The Boat – Check your boat’s integrity. Ensure it’s in good condition, especially buoyancy tanks, bungs, and toe straps. Look for general signs of wear and tear.

Rigging – Check all fixtures, fittings, and control lines are secure and in working order. Check for signs of wear and replace if there is any doubt.


Tell someone where you are going and when you will be back

It is recommended that you always sail at a venue that has safety provision and, as an extra safety precaution, always ensure that a responsible person knows that you have gone on the water and that you have returned.


Obtain a forecast for the local sailing area

To avoid beling caught out by changing conditions get a forecast. If you are sailing at a new location it is advisable to seek advice from experienced local sailors.


Are you capable of handling prevailing conditions?

Ensure you are adequately experienced to handle the conditions you are going out in. Developing your skills in more challenging conditions should be done at a safe location which ideally has safety provision.
If in doubt don’t go out.


Sail with others

It’s more fun to sail with others. Not only do you learn from a sailing buddy but there will always be someone close by should you need a hand.


Avoid strong tides, offshore winds, and poor visibility

Offshore winds and strong tidal streams can sweep you away from the safety of your chosen sailing area. It is essential that you understand the conditions you are sailing in and what consequences could occur. Poor visibility is best avoided as it prevents you from seeing dangers and others from seeing you should you get into difficulty


Consider other water users

Sailing locations can be busy with other water users. You should respect others on the water by giving them space and taking all action necessary to avoid collision. Ensure that you have adequate insurance.

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